INTP vs INFP – The Differences between these Two Personality Types

INTPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving) and INFPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving) are two personalities that, at first glance, share many similarities. However, INTPs are less prone to processing information emotionally and tend to logic over feelings. INFPs let the emotions flow.

Both of these 16 Myers-Briggs personality types are introverted, with one being introverted thinking and one being introverted feeling. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, they usually have a small circle of trusted friends.

They are both passionate about their careers and pursuing their interests. They are creative but execute their creativity in different ways. The INTP and INFP are seekers of truth, independent souls who are not afraid to think outside the box.

Despite their similarities, INTPs, and INFPs perceive the world differently. INTPs are logic-oriented. They can imagine infinite possibilities but within a logical and reasonable framework. Unlike extraverted thinking types, INTPs are more internally focused. 

The INFP personality type sees innumerable options without a logical rope to keep them grounded. Also, INTPs are willing to consider different beliefs about the nature of the world, while INFPs tend to have a fixed belief system.

INTPs are analytical to the core and all about logical control. Whether taking online tests, reading science magazines, or playing video games, they always approach the world practically. However, they also use their vast creative abilities and active imagination. They are often intellectuals who value ideas and love to debate the merits of any argument, regardless if they agree or disagree. However, they have difficulty maneuvering their emotional life and may sometimes have issues with interpersonal communication.

Ideal professions for an INTP would be aerospace engineers, microbiologists, political scientists, or psychologists. Famous INTPs include Immanuel Kant, Mary-Kate Olsen, Midori Ito, and Rick Moranis.

INFPs are introverts who love people. They are thoughtful and caring and strive to do something meaningful with their lives that will benefit others. They are naturally full of hope and optimism and usually have faith in the goodness of people. They are open-minded and typically possess a live-and-let-live attitude.

Ideal professions for an INFP would be an interpreter, fashion designer, college professor, or landscape architect. Famous INFPs include John Lennon, Lisa Kudrow, George Orwell, and Björk.


What is the Key Difference between INTPs and INFPs?

The most significant difference between INTPs and INFPs is their handling of emotions and decision-making processes. The INTP’s dominant function is introverted thinking. This can lead INTPs to be uncomfortable with their feelings and struggle to understand the feelings of others. At the same time,  INFPs naturally tend to be very caring and emotionally sensitive.

INTPs vs. INFPs – Five Comparisons and Contrasts


INTPs and INFPs are inwardly focused and know that they don’t have to look outside themselves to find true happiness.

As people who spend so much time immersed in their thoughts, INTPs may end up feeling disconnected from the outside world and the personal feelings of others. They need balance, socially and professionally, which for some may prove illusive. Here are a few features of INTP happiness:

  • Happiness for an INTP means working at a career and pursuing their intellectual interests. 
  • They tend to doubt themselves and their internal values. 
  • INTPs tend to withdraw from emotionally charged situations. 
  • Learning how to express their emotions is critical for an INTP to find happiness.

Like INTPs, INFPs can struggle with feeling like they’re disconnected from others. They may also be haunted by thoughts that they aren’t quite good enough. Even though they possess a natural optimism, they will still tend to dwell on their weaknesses, sometimes to the point of getting depressed and anxious, over what are, in reality, insignificant issues. This is why conflicts between personality types and INFPS can be pretty common. They must challenge themselves and find creative and social outlets to be happy. Here are some features of INFP happiness:

  • They tend to be happier when left to their own devices and can follow their path. 
  • A lot of an INFP’s self-worth is derived from feeling satisfied in their career. 
  • They need friends who understand their feelings and will not second guess their quirky approach to life. 
  • Sufficient time for self-care is critical for an INFP.
  • They avoid relationship conflicts, and peace brings them happiness.

A job that would make an INTP the happiest would be something where they would be left alone and could utilize their logic in an unstructured environment. The perfect job for an INFP would be something without rules or guidelines. Instead, they would shine in a supporting role where their caring nature would be an asset.

Decision Making

For different reasons, INTPs and INFPs tend to have problems making decisions.

In difficult situations, INTPs are plagued by the “what-ifs.” They are particularly tormented by the thought that there are possibilities they haven’t considered. They feel like they must analyze each fact and potential outcome. When they can’t, they feel paralyzed and panicky. The following are a few characteristics of INTP decision-making:

  • Making on-the-spot decisions is almost impossible for them. 
  • Self-doubt causes INTPs to dread making decisions. 
  • They fear a wrong decision might create problems where none previously existed. 
  • They always feel like there must be a better option, oat they haven’t thoconsideredNFPs are compassionate and centered around making the best decision for everyone involved. Their tertiary function is introverted sensing. This explains why they follow what their heart tells them rather than what logic might dictate. These intuitive perceivers usually need a lot of inward reflection before making decisions. The following are a few characteristics of INFP decision-making:
  • They don’t like making split-second decisions or someone giving them a strict deadline. 
  • They will strive to ensure their decision will fit everyone’s needs. 
  • INFPs do better at making decisions when there aren’t many options to choose from. 
  • Too many choices or opportunities can be a source of confusion for an INFP.
  • They will feel a great deal of anxiety if their decision must inevitably hurts someone.

An INTP has been asked to cast a short film with actors best suited for the parts. It wouldn’t take long for this 16 Myers-Briggs personality type to feel paralyzed. If she chose someone, would that person be right? What if someone else would have been better? An INFP in the same situation would be overwhelmed by imagining the hurt that those not cast might feel. She would want to cast everyone in roles they’d chosen for themselves, thus making everyone happy.


INTPs and INFPs are not likely to spend hours cultivating the perfect look to impress the outside world. They are seekers of truth and not externally motivated. Of course, they will never appear unhygienic, but comfort and individual flair will always take priority over being fashionable.

For INTPs, as long as no one accuses them of being slovenly, they are pretty good to go. Their attention to themselves tends to depend on how they are feeling that day. Sometimes, they’ll feel like putting in more of an effort, while other days, they’ll just throw on something clean. Here are some INTP thoughts about appearance:

  • In other people, they value personality over physical appearance. 
  • Comfort tends to be prioritized over fashion. 
  • They do have a few nice things in their closet. They just don’t wear them that often. 
  • When they do make an effort, they won’t wear anything flashy.

To an INFP, their appearance is a means for personal expression. They tend to have a style that is scarily recognizable or understandable to others. On average, they t spend much time deciding what to wear or arranging their hair and makeup. Instead, they’ll throw something together and be on their way. Here are some INFP thoughts about appearance:

  • Their body is like their canvas — a way to express their unique inner self. 
  • Other people, they value personality and virtue much more than their appearance. 
  • If they are preoccupied with other pursuits, they might forget about style and wear whatever is comfortable. 
  • Their hygiene is usually never a problem, regardless of what they wear.

It’s time for senior pictures. An INTP will grab that brand-new dress shirt closet for over a year. He’ll wear it with dress pants that don’t quite fit, reasoning that no one will see them in the picture. An INFP will want this moment recorded for posterity and will wear three mismatched necklaces, a peasant blouse, glitter boots, and her signature bowler hat.


INTPs and INFPs both need trust and time to develop a friendship with someone. Conflicts between personality types do not appeal to them, so they tend to gravitate toward those who help them remain in control under stress.

INTPs usually have a small circle of friends who tend to share their intellectual curiosity and pursuits. Given that INTPs tend to be distant emotionally and struggle with communication, they need to have friends who understand and accept them regardless. Here are a few characteristics of INTP friendships:

  • Knowing an INTP can be difficult as they tend to be guarded.
  • They typically have a few loyal and trusted friends. 
  • Usually, they share their friends’ values and interests. 
  • Theycanong with friends who havwithent opinions because they enjoy lively, intellectual discussions.

INFPs may be introverted, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t social. They care deeply about others and form casual friendships with anybody, regardless of their similarities. Like INTPs, they tend to have a small circle of highly valued friends with whom they share their deepest thoughts. Here are a few characteristics of INFP friendships:

  • Even though they are very friendly and approachable, it may be hard to become friends with an INFP. 
  • Once an INFP is your friend, they’ll likely be with you for life. 
  • They feel everything very deeply and need friends who can be trusted. 
  • They tend to be so romantic; sometimes, they can be disappointed in their friends.

Barbara, an INTP, has a few trusted friends she’s known for years. Everyone else in Barbara’s life considers her an acquaintance or work colleague. Selena, an INFP, has scores of people who believe themselves to be her friend, not realizing that Selena is just friendly to everybody and only has a few true friends. This tends to be a source of confusion for Selena. 


INTPs and INFPs are not generally angry people. When it comes to conflict style and difficult emotions, they would both prefer to keep that side of themselves private.

For an INTP, anger, like any emotion, feels strange and uncomfortable. They sometimes are nicknamed “control freaks” because they strive to be logical when controlling stress. The truth is, INTPs do think that expressing themselves in anger would seem like they are losing control. Here are a few characteristics of INTP anger:

  • Many people who know an INTP will have never seen them truly angry. 
  • When angry, they may become sarcastic and short. 
  • If an INTP is angry, they will need time to process their feelings alone. 
  • If they learn to deal with their feelings of anger right when they occur, they will be much less likely to explode.

INFPs are emotional by nature, so they are no strangers to anger. However, they are very caring and don’t want to burden people with their issues unduly. They don’t typically like situations of conflict. They much prefer to remain positive and will only express anger when it feels unavoidable to do so. Here are a few characteristics of INFP anger:

  • It generally takes a lot to make an INFP angry.
  • INFPs become sore significantly when someone has wronged them intentionally. 
  • They often feel guilty after they’ve gotten angry at someone.
  • An apology goes a long way since INFPs value harmony.

If someone has wronged an INTP and wants to apologize, an INTP may be suspicious. Are they genuinely sorry? Have they acknowledged the offense and done something to repair the damage? Is it one of those “I’m sorry you feel that way” fake apologies? Unless it is heartfelt, an INTP will not accept it.

An INFP, on the other hand, will pretty much take any apology at face value and will be happy to let go of any animosity. They hate relationship conflicts, so their conflict style and response to conflict situations generally is to move past it.

INTPs and INFPs are innovators, thinkers, and doers. If you need an out-of-the-box solution for your issue, you could do well by consulting both personalities, as they will both come up with excellent ideas that the other might never have considered.


Neither the INFP nor the INTP is mainly motivated by money or status. The primary question an INFP asks when deciding on a career is, “How can I help others while doing something I believe in?” For an INTP, the primary question is, “How can I use my problem-solving skills to develop innovative ideas?”

The INFP is more likely to try to solve the ills in society through their internal values or spiritual nature. Common INFP careers include:

  • Artist
  • Graphic designer
  • Midwife
  • Nutritionist
  • Photographer
  • Psychologist
  • Writer

The INTP is likely to have a background in science and pursue a career where they can use logical control and functional stack to their advantage. This might look like following a tech, business, law, science, or engineering career. Specific professions where an INTP can use their natural, logical reasoning processing include:

  • Accountant
  • Actuary
  • Architect
  • Attorney
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Physician
  • Statistician