INFP and ENTJ: Compatibility, Love, Marriage, and Romance

A prime example of how opposites attract the reserved yet go-with-the-flow INFP is often drawn to the intense, highly driven, and confident ENTJ. Although they might not seem like a natural match, when it works, these two can achieve balance.

While quiet, daydreaming INFPs and highly motivated ENTJs might appear to have little in common, they’re actually quite similar in real life. Their joint interest in improving the world and satisfying their intellectual curiosity helps them create a healthy bond and a long-term relationship that brings out their best qualities. The direct nature of the ENTJ, when balanced with the gentle nature of the INFP, can create a degree of security that isn’t easily found in other matches.


In general, the INFP and ENTJ personality types are pretty different. However, these differences are what often bring them together in the first place.

The ENTJ is engaging, social, and often the center of attention at work as well as during social functions. They are quite charming and excellent problem solvers. Goals in life? They’ve got them! This highly motivated personality always goes the extra mile at work and isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty to get the job done. They are highly dependable and enjoy structure, time management, and efficiency in their daily lives. Above all, an ENTJ relationship often involves a high amount of stimulation and growth.

On the other hand, the laid-back INFP enjoys a much slower-paced lifestyle. They prefer to sit and observe before they make a move and usually like to work in the background of their professional and personal lives. They dislike conflict and will go to extreme lengths to avoid it if possible; unfortunately, their “peace at all costs” attitude means they often go through life with their unfulfilled needs.

When INFP and ENTJ personality types come together, they often balance each other out. This helps INFP find their voice and allows ENTJ to slow down every once in a while and enjoy the simple things in life.

Summary Chart: INFP and ENTJ Compatibility vs. Possible Conflicts

Compatibility Possible Conflicts
Both are open-minded and don’t typically have a specific “type” in mind when searching for a partner ENTJ’s socially outgoing personality can be draining to the more reserved INFP
The extraverted ENTJ can help coax the more introverted INFP out of their shell INFP’s “go with the flow” attitude can become a point of contention with the schedule-oriented ENTJ
Both enjoy intellectual pursuits and deep, meaningful conversations ENTJ’s somewhat abrasive method of communication may cause INFP to become emotionally distant
Both are highly motivated and efficient problem solvers INFP’s sensitivity and quiet demeanor may put them at risk of being manipulated by the more assertive ENTJ

3 Reasons Why INFP and ENTJ Are Good for Each Other

INFP and ENTJ types may be quite different. However, they can also create some of the strongest relationships by bringing out the best in each other’s personalities.

  1. ENTJ can help INFP break out of their shell and open up more with others
  2. ENTJ can help INFP stay realistic about their often lofty goals and plans
  3. INFP can help ENTJ slow down and enjoy living in the moment more frequently

As much as INFP loves their friends and family, they tend to shut themselves in, which might lead to depression if they aren’t careful. ENTJ can help INFP become more social by gently prompting them to get out and accept invitations more often. They can also help build their partner’s self-esteem by motivating them to pursue their personal and professional goals.

Likewise, ENTJ’s drive can cause them to work much harder than they need, leaving them with little time to decompress. The INFP can help their ENTJ partner by persuading them to relax a little and take a break from time to time in order to recharge their mind and spirit.

3 Reasons Why INFP and ENTJ Are Not Good for Each Other

Clear boundaries and expectations are necessary for these two personality types to get along and enjoy a healthy relationship. Otherwise, these clear signs of trouble can become apparent early on:

  1. ENTJ can come off as abrasive or harsh at times, especially during conflict
  2. INFP tends to shut down in times of conflict, often leaving things unresolved
  3. INFP’s inability to make decisions leaves ENTJ to make all the decisions in the relationship.

Both INFP and ENTJ have a strong sense of intuition that causes them to predict potential issues in the relationship before they arise. However, if these types choose to ignore their intuition, there can be significant issues that will have to be addressed.

ENTJ can come off as abrasive to the sensitive INFP, which leads them to withdraw and completely shut down. Furthermore, an INFP’s indecisiveness can be a major source of frustration for the ENTJ. They may end up making all the decisions in the relationship without any input from their partner.


Because the INFP and ENTJ personality types have a strong sense of intuition they often resolve communication issues fairly quickly. On the other hand, the INFP’s reluctance to speak up may lead to miscommunication at work and within their social lives, especially when paired with the assertive and commanding presence of the ENTJ personality.

Where are they strong and why?

Why is the INFP often the ideal partner for the ENTJ? While ENTJ personality types tend to be direct and to the point with their communication style, the more reserved INFP personality will spend some time observing an interaction between those involved before they decide to speak up. This behavior often clues them in to what people may be feeling even though they may not explicitly say so. This strength can help the INFP empathize with their ENTJ partner and understand why they feel the way they do, and likewise, the ENTJ can encourage their INFP partner to speak up more often so they can get their needs met.

Where do they have problems and why?

INFP personality types are naturally shy and dislike bringing attention to themselves. When paired with an ENTJ, they may end up letting their partner steer every conversation and make plans without providing any insight.

This may cause the INFP to feel unheard, especially if their ENTJ partner does not try to get them to open up. In some cases, this may even cause the INFP to feel unappreciated, which could cause them to withdraw even further and eventually grow distant. This is where creative ideas for communication are needed.

How can INFP and ENTJ improve communication?

The ENTJ’s natural drive to get things done may cause them to become somewhat oblivious to the needs of those around them. This tendency, paired with INFP’s reluctance to “rock the boat” (avoidance of conflict), could lead to miscommunication within the relationship. This makes deep conversations and effective communication difficult.

The ENTJ should provide ample opportunities for the INFP to offer their insight more often. By doing this, they also give an opportunity to address any growing issues between them before they become significant.

Likewise, INFP should try to speak up for themselves more often and resist their tendency to stay quiet when they have something to say. These collective efforts will improve communication between these two personality types and strengthen their bond.

Where do INFP and ENTJ connect? Why?

Because both types have a strong sense of intuition, they can naturally sense when things seem off in the relationship. This intuition serves both personality types well in their personal and professional lives. It also helps them connect on a deep level.

Because both types value connections with their family and friends, they never want to think that someone they love is feeling upset or in distress. So although their communication styles aren’t totally in sync with one another, they do complement each other well.

INFP & ENTJ: Values

Both INFP and ENTJ are intellectually curious and value a joint quest for knowledge. However, they have many other values that are quite different from each other, particularly the way in which they spend their time.

3 Things an INFP Values

INFPs are constantly looking for ways to expand their mind and fulfill their need for intellectual stimulation. These types enjoy long moments of solitude while being deep in thought. INFPs value:

  1. Time alone to relax and unwind, especially after a long day at work or with friends
  2. Reading books and watching shows that expand their mind and satisfy their intellectual curiosity
  3. Slowing down to appreciate the little things in life

While ENTJ is ambitious and often works long hours trying to rise to the top of the corporate ladder, INFP prefers a more laid-back approach to life. It’s not that INFP doesn’t care about work or that they are unmotivated. Instead, they’re primarily focused on their relationships with family and friends as well as making time for hobbies. This is a key difference of personality that you’ll find in an INFP – ENTJ relationship.

3 Things an ENTJ Values

An ENTJ loves nothing more than a good challenge, and they often rush headfirst into new projects at work. Their “can-do” spirit, logical thinking, and quest for greatness mean they do pretty well as entrepreneurs, managers, judges, and teachers. ENTJs value:

  1. A strong work ethic
  2. Encouraging others to better themselves
  3. Organization, planning, and problem-solving

ENTJs are some of the most dedicated workers and focus on the task at hand until it’s complete. Because they demand the best of themselves, they often set high standards for their coworkers, friends, and family. They are extremely goal-oriented, and they value effective leadership to get the job done right.

How do the values of INFP and ENTJ match up?

The environment and people around them easily inspire both INFP and ENTJ. They are also very intuitive, which makes them excellent at reading people and deciding on a course of action. They also both value intellectual curiosity and are in constant pursuit of knowledge. However, sometimes a difference in energy levels is present due to their introversion vs. extroversion.

Love Language/Love Style

Because INFP enjoys time alone and ENTJ spends all the time they can work on professional pursuits, both types show their love by devoting time to showering their partner with attention and physical affection. Both INFP and ENTJ’s love languages are quite similar, which adds to the INFP and ENTJ compatibility.

Ways INFPs Show Their Love

An INFP shows love in the following ways:

  •  Spending quality time with their partner
  •  Words of affection and affirmations toward their partner
  •  Physical touch like hugs, kisses, and holding hands

INTPs love spending time on their own. However, they show their partner how much they love and appreciate them by putting on their favorite movie and lounging with them on the couch. They love to be close and will show their affection throughout the day through hugs and physical affection. INTPs are empaths and use words of affirmation often, especially when their partner is having a bad day.

Ways ENTJs Show Their Love

An ENTJ shows love in the following ways:

  •  Planning holidays and trips for their partner
  •  Words of affirmation and encouragement
  •  Physical affection towards their partner

Because ENTJs are very schedule-oriented, they are purposeful with how they spend their time and who they spend it with. Therefore, an ENTJ shows their love for their partner by making it a point to spend time with them that they would otherwise be spending at work. They occasionally head home early to spend extra time with their partner as they cook dinner together. They show interest by engaging their partner in meaningful conversation and actively listening to what they have to say.

INFP and ENTJ in Bed

Both INFP and ENTJ are very affectionate, and this trait extends into the bedroom. In an INFP – ENTJ relationship, this couple usually enjoys a sex life that is mutually fulfilling for both partners. Because they both see the bedroom as an extension of their relationship, it is not uncommon for dry spells to occur if there are times of conflict. Generally speaking, both INFP and ENTJ are willing to go the extra mile and do what it takes to keep each other physically satisfied.

INFP and ENTJ Couples/Marriage

INFP Male and ENTJ Female

The INFP male can come across as unmotivated when compared to the assertive ENTJ female, so special care must be taken in order to address their different approaches to life. The ENTJ female must be understanding of her partner’s sensitive personality, and instead of making him feel inadequate should work towards building his self-esteem and confidence. The INFP male can make a wonderful partner for the ENTJ female as long as she doesn’t invalidate his feelings or make him doubt his personal experience or his self-worth.

ENTJ Male and INFP Female

The ENTJ male’s assertive energy may initially attract the indecisive INFP female, although this may become a source of conflict as their relationship grows. In addition to this imbalance of power, the ENTJ male may become dismissive of the INFP female’s feelings, especially during heated disagreements. Fortunately, each personality type is quite intuitive and can efficiently work through any conflict with open communication and active listening.

INFP and ENTJ Conflicts

Although INFP and ENTJ tend to create strong, healthy relationships, they do run into their fair share of conflict. The following are a few of the main reasons why these two personality types may encounter difficulties in their relationship.

Possible Areas of Conflict (and Why)

When conflicts arise between the INFP and ENTJ personalities, it is usually due to the following reasons:

  •  ENTJ’s “take charge” attitude might overwhelm the more easygoing and relaxed INFP
  •  ENTJ may fail to include INFP in more important decisions due to their reluctance to speak up
  •  INFPs tend to have a lack of drive which can cause ENTJ to label them as a slacker, causing friction within the relationship.

How do INFP and ENTJ resolve conflict?

ENTJ rarely shies away from conflict in personal relationships and resorts to logical thinking and pragmatic action to solve any problem that comes their way. This is quite different from INFP, who prefers to avoid conflict at all costs, even if that means having to bite their tongue to keep the peace. Unfortunately, this can result in them being labeled as a pushover in both their personal and professional lives.

In order to resolve conflict, INFP must get over their fear of upsetting their partner and communicate their needs and desires, while ENTJ must take a step back and actively listen to their partner. By working together, they can efficiently tackle issues as they arise without allowing them to build up over time and become major points of contention.

How do INFP and ENTJ build trust?

To the INFP, personal connection and a strong emotional bond are the cornerstones of a healthy relationship. ENTJ is not overtly emotional and prefers stability and pragmatic thinking in a relationship.

ENTJ can build trust with INFP by becoming more attuned to their emotions, allowing themselves to become vulnerable every once in a while. At the same time, INFPs can build trust with ENTJs by speaking up more often and clearly communicating what they need in the relationship.

INFP and ENTJ Friendships

Although these two personality types may seem to come together like oil and water, they are actually capable of forming strong bonds with each other under the right circumstances. An appreciation of each other’s differences and mutual respect are necessary in order to create a healthy friendship dynamic between INFP and ENTJ.

INFP vs. ENTJ: Approach to Friendships

The ENTJ personality is very outspoken and is often the center of attention at home and at work. It is their natural charm and charisma that piques the INFP’s curiosity.

Because the INFP is shy and reluctant to share their opinions, they may simply observe the ENTJ for a while before they decide to engage them any further. Once a friendship is established, the ENTJ is eager to help the INFP achieve their personal goals and aspirations. They are their personal cheerleader throughout all their endeavors and is often right alongside them during their personal highs and lows.

INFP & ENTJ Friendship Dynamics

These intuitive personalities have keen insight into people. They know how to read people, which means they anticipate each other’s actions and needs well ahead of time. With ENTJ’s persuasive personality, they can help INFP break out of their shells and become more engaged with the world around them.

While ENTJ’s drive and work ethic are admirable and earn them accolades, they have a hard time slowing down, which can lead to burnout if they aren’t careful. Fortunately, INFP’s calm and relaxed demeanor can inspire ENTJ to take a break once in a while. This adds an extra degree of security for both parties. Together they can enjoy the little things in life, like an early morning walk or an afternoon lounging on the couch. Both personality types are intellectually curious, even if their personal expression of this curiosity is different. They also enjoy a variety of academic pursuits that expand their mind and lead them to engage in meaningful conversation.

What makes INFP and ENTJ good for each other as friends?

ENTJ’s exuberance for solving problems and INFP’s quiet introspection could make for an interesting friendship as long as they are able to compromise and respect each other’s differences. The INFP personality often finds the ENTJ’s “take charge” attitude comforting, as they sometimes have a difficult time getting started on projects.

INFP can be a calming influence on the ENTJ’s somewhat frantic nature. INFP can also help the ENTJ personality work on their empathy and listening skills, while the ENTJ personality can help the INFP increase their self-confidence and become more realistic about their goals and aspirations.

Could INFP and ENTJ be close friends?

With the right amount of communication and respect for each other’s inherent differences, the INFP and ENTJ personalities can become very close friends. The INFP personality often needs encouragement to get involved in projects or activities they might excel at due to their natural shyness. They will appreciate the ENTJ’s candor and “cheerleader” attitude, which will build their confidence and help them achieve their goals.

What are some areas that might cause them problems as friends?

The most common issues that arise in these friendships stem from INFPs’ need for space and ENTJs’ need for structure. The ENTJ often finds it difficult to rest, especially because they think any spare time is best used for furthering their personal goals or working toward professional success. This can be exhausting and overwhelming to the INFP who prefers to relax and recharge, especially after a busy day at work or with friends. It can also put them in a bad mood or bring up a feeling of ‘burnout.’

If the INFP personality can communicate their need for rest and relaxation and the ENTJ can learn how to ease up a bit when things don’t go according to plan, these personality types can enjoy a healthy, lifelong friendship.